Thursday, February 24, 2011

Final Thoughts for Today

I really did not think I would finish quilting all the blocks on the 4 Season's quilt, today, but I came up with a more organized plan for quilting each block and it really sped up my quilting.  As I told you, the quilt seemed tremendously large and hard to manipulate on the domestic machine. The SID is not perfect, but then as I stitched I also noticed how many of my points were off.  Obviously this is go to be a warm, comfy quilt rather than a show quilt, but that is the kind I love most.  In the morning I will SID around the inner border, trim it, and add the binding.  I love it when I get to this point.  The end is in sight and I like the way it looks.

Tonight we are going to watch a movie and I will finish up the application of the 5 ornaments.  The tend to blend into the quilt a little, but I think that will make it more fund for my grandchildren.  I have 5 grandchildren, so they will like knowing that I was thinking of them while I worked on this quilt. 

I has been another productive and wonderful day!

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