Wednesday, November 3, 2010

I am the Queen of My Domain

While we were living in Texas, friends gave us a 1912 Singer treadle machine with a "King Tut" motif.  The actual wooden casing was in horrible condition.  My husband builds furniture to relax, so they brought it to us as a challenge.  There was no saving the actual wooden casing, so Kevin carefully took it apart and built his own version of it using what he salvaged to make patterns and some trial and error piecing and fittings.  All the wrought iron was painfully (what a chore) hand stripped, but he said IF there is ever a next time he will pay the price to have it sandblasted!  We voted not to put in the tray with the curved inside sections in the front, but there will be a piece, or a small rectangular drawer to cover the slot some time in the future.  Could not decide on what we wanted yet. The machine itself is having a complete overhaul and might require a couple months to finish because it is going to be fit in between all the other sewing machine repairs the man does.  For now, I am just going to enjoy another beautiful piece of woodworking by my wonderful and talented husband

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