Friday, May 7, 2010

Military Spouses' Day -

I woke up today hearing my husband tell me that he wanted to thank me for being his own military spouse.  He said he knew we had faced some real challenges, but he also knew that our love and our commitment to each other were the things he could always count on, no matter where he was or what the situation.  I second that thought!!!
As a military spouse of 29 years, I understand that the life we have chosen is challenging. The sacrifices for each of us have been great, but the pride and strengthen that we have gained is ours forever.  We each do our time a little differently, but for me it has been a good life. I hate leaving friends, but I have found that we have stayed close and many times even relocated in the same place. Moving is a pain, but living in so many different places has been a real adventure. One more year and we will see what is like to leave the military community and find the new adventures as a retiree and his ever-loving spouse. To those that are still at the beginning or middle of the journey, know that this life is not for the weak of heart, but it is a good life and one that I am proud to have been a part of over the years.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for getting me all choked up! Thank God for wonderful military spouses who are and have been as supportive as you and Alexis. And a special thanks to the sons and daughters who have grown up in military families. Thank you to all the brave men and women who have served and/or currently serving in the military. Has it really been 29 years? Wow, Kevin!
