Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Klutz, I am!

Over the past few weeks I have been working with a splint on my right wrist. I am known to be a bit of a klutz(Can you hear my family laughing at that understatement?) and have goofy accidents about every three years. This one timed out just like clockwork. I was helping my husband with a woodworking project and got clobbered by a piece of lumber. No break, just excessive swelling that did not want to go away. I thought that I would just ignore it, but after a week of not being able to do much sewing, I went to the doctor. Several sets of x-rays and an orthopaedic visit later, I was sporting a lovely black brace because I voted down the cast (Hate the smell!). Makes it easier to get my sewing up and running again, but.............

To add insult to injury, I decided it was really time to work on my physical self and got really involved with the WiiFit. I love doing the step segment. I am a klutz without rhythm, though. I pulled a muscle in the side of my knee and was told not to do too many stairs for a few weeks and to avoid walking the hills. GREAT excuse not to exercise, but I was not looking for one. I am going to start doing water exercises next week. (I can swim, so I feel I can save myself! lol)

Despite the injuries, I have managed to quilt 5 tops, bind 3 of them, make a comfort quilt for a friend's daughter, make 3 tied flannel baby comforters, help Dad H create a quilt design for his newest embroidery efforts, finished the 3 blocks for my Christmas BOM, and cut out several baby quilts. Progress is not what it normally would be, but it is still progress. I have also managed to read several books, prepare and serve dinner for 10, and entertain a few grandbabies.

Life is good! Pollyanna and I can always play the "Glad Game" if we start to feel down. I am glad that I have the ability to adjust, but I am even more glad that I have a wonderful husband who is always available to cheer me on and help with whatever needs doing!

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